Imagine a course that will guide you after residency training
You are one course away from...
learning how to run your Medicare practice
powerful relationships with your patients and colleagues
creating more free time for your family and friends
becoming an expert at reading business reports for your practice

Go to Jude A. Pierre, MD Jude A. Pierre, MD
Practicing Physician
Dr. Pierre envisions a medical education system where healthcare providers are not just limited by what they learn about caring for patients in residency but also how they can maximize their God-given talents. Knowledge acquisition beyond residency training is key to a successful career in medicine.

Joshua T Keleske, JD, MBA
Attorney & Counselor at Law
Joshua Keleske is an attorney licensed by The Florida Bar and the State Bar of Wisconsin. As a Florida Bar Board Certified-Attorney in Wills, Trusts and Estates, Joshua counsels his clients through their estate planning and corporate transactions. With almost twenty years of real-world experience, he knows how to bring many time- and money-saving solutions to his clients’ planning concerns.

Sonja Palomino
Financial “Get it DONE” Coach
Sonja believes that physicians work too hard to work for everyone else and too often have little for themselves or their families. She has personally conducted over 9,000 one-on-one coaching sessions and has helped her clients transform their relationship with money and get results. Sonja specializes in working with physicians with irregular income, showing them how to create a strong financial foundation and build the lifestyle and future they before only silently dreamed about.